Peak Performance U is a powerful online course that delivers thought-provoking content reinforced by in-depth video discussions undertaken with various industry leaders and sports icons regarding career readiness, workplace expectations, and hiring practices.
Achieving peak performance on a consistent basis is often opposed by countless challenges, frustrations, and disappointments. The lack of thorough preparation, due diligence, and accountability are frequently the culprits. Many well-intended students create one strategy after the next, but fall short in the implementation process.
The foundation of the content found in Peak Performance U – 9 Essential Skills for the Workplace is in response to the guidance and requirements of various businesses and industries eager to align, promote, and train students for viable future careers. Developed in accordance with Act 480, Peak Performance U cultivates critical skills identified by Regional Advisory Councils over a three-year period. Whether a student is striving toward the attainment of a post-secondary education or plans to enter the workforce directly, these 9 Essential Skills for the Workplace are necessary for the transition. The following are the nine units and accompanying lessons found in this rigorous online course: